Flea Control
Fleas have been a real problem this year and unless you understand how important it is to break the cycle you will continue to have a problem. If you want to gain any control over a flea infestation, you can't stop at only treating your pet. Controlling fleas' mean controlling the flea cycle. Fleas attach themselves to your pet and try to never leave. It's the flea eggs that drop off your pet that creates the infestation in your home, or any area your pets roam including the front and back yard. The eggs that drop off your pet can number in the thousands since one flea can lay hundreds of eggs at a time. Once the eggs hatch and go through the first three stages they'll lay and wait as flea pupae and hatch only when a host comes close enough to them.
Unless you treat your home and yard at the same time you treat your pet, your pet's treatment will appear ineffective. The fleas will die when they land on your pet, but there will always be new fleas to replace the dead ones. A pest control professional can help you to brake the flea cycle. A pest control professional can safely and effectively treat both the inside of your home as well as the front and back yard. Give Bob a call today and make your appointment.